Returns & cancellations

How to cancel your order.

If you choose to cancel an order that has not been delivered please call 020 7073 7653 or email to inform us of whether you would like a refund or exchange. To assist with tracking your order, please have your order number available.

Once we have received your request we will confirm the processing of your cancellation

Returning an unwanted product.

There are two ways to return an unwanted product, ensure your order number is quoted in all cases.

  1. Store: Whether you bought it in store, online or over the phone, all of our products can be returned directly to the appliance superstore. Please call 020 7073 7653 or email  for a return reference number and return delivery details.

  2. Arrange for us to collect: Please call 020 7073 7653 or email to arrange a collection of you item, there may be a charge for this service depending on the item and your location. 

For unwanted, faulty, damaged or incorrect products please check the return policy.

An unwanted product can be returned for a full refund within 14 days of delivery as long as it’s still in its original, unopened packaging. This returns policy for unopened goods is in addition to your normal statutory rights and applies to purchases in store or online.

In accordance with your rights in relation to distance selling, any purchase of goods online or over the phone any, unwanted item can be returned long as you let us know within 14 calendar days from the day after delivery. Once you informed us that you want to return an item and received a reference number, you should return the item to us within 14 days from the day you requested the return. 

To obtain a full refund you must not start using them, install them or amend any settings, the goods must be returned in ‘as new’ condition and in their original undamaged packaging.

If the item has been opened, unpacked, has items missing or shows any damage to the item or packaging we may charge a restocking fee, this fee will vary depending on the condition of the packaging and/or item.

Returning, exchanging or arranging a repair.

There are two ways to return a faulty product, ensure your order number is quoted in all cases.

  1. Store: Within 14 days of purchase or delivery, you may return a faulty product for an exchange or refund directly to the appliance superstore. Please call 020 7073 7653 or email a return reference number and return delivery details.

  2. Arrange for us to collect: Please call 020 7073 7653 or email to arrange collection of your item a charge may be applied.

  3. Anytime after 14 days and within the product’s guarantee period you can contact us for information on how to have your item repaired. This is normally undertaken directly via the manufacturer service centre but we will confirm and assist you arranging the service call. In all cases both us and the manufacturer reserve the right to inspect the product and verify the fault is not due to incorrect installation or use.

Returning a damaged item.

  • Please contact us on 020 7073 7653 or email to arrange for collection, repair of your damaged item. All items returned will be refunded within seven working days of receipt and verification of fault/damage at our discretion.

If you unpack your product and find it damaged or incorrect, please contact us as soon as you can so that we can arrange a return or exchange product for you.

ALL damages must be notified with 48 hours of delivery, we recommend you unpack your item at the point of delivery or within 24 hours of receiving the item, please note any damage to the packaging on the delivery note, signing as unchecked does not negate the need to check the item for damage within 48 hours of receipt. We cannot offer returns for any damaged items after 48 hours of delivery, YOU must ensure the item is checked for damage.

Please note that a damaged item is NOT classified as a faulty item, damage can be seen by inspecting the item visually. Faults by nature are normally electronic or mechanical and therefore cannot be seen visually. Therefore we request you check all items visually for damage within 48 of delivery. 

Please note faults are not considered to be faults in the following instances;

  • Accidental damage by you
  • Damage whilst in you care
  • Neglect i.e. lack of maintenance
  • Misuse
  • Incorrect installation

Proof of purchase must accompany all returns, please ensure you quote your order number on all returns.

The return terms and distance selling rights are applicable to the general public only, for trade and B2B customers please contact about returns and potential restocking fees. The terms below do not apply.

Return Terms & Conditions below,

We reserve the right to make a deduction from the reimbursement for any loss in value of goods supplied as a result of unnecessary handling by you. We strongly recommend that goods should be returned by a recorded method of delivery as proof of return may be required. They should also be insured in case the goods are damaged during return transit. You are responsible for the security and safety of the goods until they are received and accepted back into our warehouse. If you do not use insurance and the goods are damaged or go missing you are fully liable for the cost of the goods. Please do not install any damaged or unwanted appliance(s). This could be viewed as acceptance of goods and any return may be rejected. We reserve the right to request photographic evidence of the appliance(s) and/or packaging prior to collection. Upon receipt of the returned appliance(s) these will be inspected to ensure they are in perfect condition (in the original packaging) and meet our satisfaction and are including all relevant accessories, manuals & components. We reserve the right to claim for any damage or loss to the appliance(s) that may have occurred whilst the goods have been in your possession. This does not affect your statutory rights. If the packaging has been removed or tampered with by you we can no longer be held responsible for transporting the items safely and you must arrange the return of the appliance(s) to our warehouse If you return the goods to us yourself, you are required to take reasonable care of the product to ensure that the goods are not damaged in transit. If you do not exercise reasonable care and the goods are damaged or used we may reject the appliance(s) or make a reduction in the refund due. We are able to arrange the return of your goods provided they have not been removed from their original packaging, installed or used. A reasonable collection fee for the cost of returning the goods will apply. The fee will vary based on the size of appliance and your location.

Collection of the goods will only take place from the delivery address to which they were delivered. Should you cancel an order after the goods have been dispatched, you may be charged the actual cost of collecting the item. The cost may be deducted from any reimbursement due to you. You are responsible for the security and safety of the goods until they are received and accepted back into our warehouse. We reserve the right to make a deduction from the reimbursement for any loss in value of goods supplied as a result of unnecessary handling by you. Please do not install any damaged or unwanted appliance(s). This could be viewed as acceptance of goods and any return may be rejected. We reserve the right to request photographic evidence of the appliance(s) and/or packaging prior to collection. All returned appliance(s) will be inspected to ensure they are in perfect condition (in their original packaging) and meet our satisfaction and are including all relevant accessories, manuals & components. We will make the reimbursement no later than 14 days after the day we receive back from you any goods supplied.